Editorials / Video Games

The Last of Us: Very Early Impressions.

The Last of Us has been fawned over by critics ever since the embargo broke. I bought it today and was able to play a little bit before work. I got through, what could basically be called the introduction. In a very short period of time Naughty Dawg establishes their main character in such a way that the experience of the first few minutes of the game, are absolutely breathtaking and heartbreaking. I have never cared so much about characters in such a short period of time. Placing the characters in the space, the way Naughty Dawg forces you to play with them, and the harrowing experience that opens up this game is absolutely stellar. It is extremely rare that I ever have the occasion to cry because of a piece of media. I certainly cried at the conclusion of the introduction, and there are so many really smart ways that the developers deliver the narrative over a very short period of time, that The Last of Us seems like it is on track to be one of the most effecting pieces of media I have ever had the pleasure of experiencing.
